Can Airpods Get Too Cold? ANSWERED!
If you’re cold, they’re cold; bring your Airpods inside.
In all seriousness, if you live in a place where the weather can dip down below 30 degrees Fahrenheit, you are going to want to take care that you do not leave your Airpods out in the cold.

While we’re on this journey, I’d suggest you check out “Can You Use Airpods With An Apple Watch Without An iPhone?”. This article will give you a whole new perspective on your Apple gadgets.
Apple tells us that Airpods need to be used in places where the ambient temperature falls between 0º and 35º C (32º to 95º F). Anything lower or higher than those temperatures could cause the Airpods to change how they regulate their own temperature. You should also be storing your Airpods in places that range between 10º and 45º C (14º to 113º F).
If you leave your Airpods in the car overnight and temps drop down to 0ºF, your Airpods could experience a shortened battery life and even shut themselves down.
Let’s talk about what to do if your Airpods get too cold and how to best store and carry them so as to avoid potential complications.
Can Airpods Get Too Cold?
Like virtually every other electronic device, Airpods don’t do well in extreme heat or cold. While they can remain submerged in a snowbank or puddle for a day or two, this isn’t exactly ideal. Your Airpods can incur damage this way.
Will wearing Airpods in the cold weather harm them? What happens when you accidentally leave them out in freezing temperatures? Is there a way to reverse any possible damage? Read on to learn more about how Airpods respond to cold temperatures.
Will wearing my Airpods outside in the cold damage them?
First things first. No, wearing your Airpods out in the cold will not damage them. What might cause problems is bringing your Airpods from the cold immediately into a toasty warm environment. Condensation inside of the pods can develop as they warm up, wreaking havoc on their electronic bits.
If condensation does get into your Airpods, it is a good idea to seal them tightly inside of a Ziploc bag filled with brown rice. The rice might be able to draw the condensation out and absorb it, but there could still be permanent damage.
Will leaving my Airpods in the cold kill the battery?
Temperature extremes are lithium-ion battery killers. An Airpods battery drain can be sped up by exposure to extreme cold temperatures. While a brisk 15-minute walk in sub-zero temps won’t kill the Airpods, leaving them in the car overnight in such temperatures could lessen the battery life.
Also, as University of Michigan experts explain, it is important not to charge your lithium-ion battery-equipped device after it has been exposed to extreme temperatures. Give your Airpods time to warm up first, and be sure to place them in a Ziploc bag filled with brown rice to avoid any issues with condensation damage.
What should I do if I drop my Airpods in the snow?
Airpods sometimes fall out, and given their white color, they blend in super easy with the snow. So, if they land in a snowbank and you manage to find them, rest assured that they are most likely fine if you retrieve them straight away.
However, if they’ve been there at least a few hours, you might want to dry them off with a cloth or paper towel. Again, don’t use them right away. Use the rice-in-a-Ziploc trick to coax out any potential condensation. Ensure they are warm and dry before charging them.
Which temperatures are optimal for Airpods?
Airpods can function at most temperatures, but they don’t do well in extreme heat or cold. You should be using your Airpods in temperatures ranging between 0º and 35º C (32º to 95º F). This is where they are less likely to experience issues. Of course, you need to also be storing your Airpods in places that range between 10º and 45º C (14º to 113º F) in order to avoid potential damage to the pods.

How to Replace Airpods Damaged By the Cold
If your Airpods have been damaged beyond repair by exposure to the cold (or to extreme heat), you will unfortunately have to shell out money for a brand-new pair. The manufacturer’s warranty on them only covers manufacturing defects for the first year of service beginning the day they were purchased. Accidental cold exposure is not covered.
According to Apple, if the Airpods or case get damaged on accident, you are able to replace your damaged item for an out-of-warranty fee. They don’t specify on their website what that fee will be, so it is best to speak to a customer service representative or take your Airpods to your local Apple store.
Closing Thoughts
Apple makes its products as durable as possible, but Airpods are not invulnerable. When exposed to extreme heat or cold, they can sustain some damage. From a battery drain to the Airpods simply shutting themselves down, cold temperatures can wreak all sorts of havoc on these tiny little devices.
There are some easy methods for troubleshooting accidental cold exposure, but if these methods fail, be prepared to shell out some cash for replacement Airpods.