How Do You Listen To Sent Voicemails?
Have you ever left someone voicemail and then forgotten what you said in that message? This might make you want to go back and listen to previously sent voice messages.

How Do You Listen To Sent Voicemails?
Unfortunately, you cannot listen to voice messages you have sent to someone else, whether you use an iPhone or any other phone. Once a voice message is sent, it’s gone; unless you ask the recipient to send it back to you. What you can do, however, is listen to old voice messages other people have sent to you.
As longtime Apple product enthusiasts, we enjoy trying all the latest Apple products and testing their unique features. This means we know everything there is to know about accessing old voice messages and troubleshooting when the voicemail icon doesn’t appear in the phone app.
Key Takeaways
- It is impossible to listen to a voicemail you sent someone unless you ask that person to send the voice message back to you.
- You can, however, listen to the voicemail that you have received by opening your phone app and tapping on the voicemail icon in the right-hand bottom corner of your screen.
- Voicemail automatically gets deleted 30 days after you receive it, so be sure to save any important voicemail you receive.
- If the voicemail icon doesn’t appear on the phone app, try restarting your phone app, checking that call forwarding is turned off or checking your phone for system or carrier updates.
How to Access and Manage Voicemails on Your iPhone
Accessing your voicemails on your iPhone is simple. Whether you’ve missed a call or are revisiting an older message, the visual voicemail feature lets you listen and manage them with ease. Here’s how:
Accessing Voicemail:
- Open the ‘Phone’ app on your iPhone’s home screen.
- Tap the ‘Voicemail’ icon located in the bottom right-hand corner. This takes you to the main menu of your visual voicemail app.
- Here, you’ll find an inbox-style list of your voicemails. The newest messages appear at the top, while older ones can be accessed by scrolling down.
Listening to Voicemails:
- To play a voice message, tap on its entry. This reveals a control panel beneath the message.
- Press the play icon (resembling a triangle) on the left side to start playback. Use the dot on the voice message line to rewind or fast-forward, giving you control over specific portions of the message.
Voicemail Options:
To the right of the voicemail’s control panel, you’ll find three icons:
- Speaker: Tapping this plays the message through your iPhone’s main speaker or any connected external device.
- Call: Allows you to quickly return the call to the sender.
- Trash: Use this to delete the voicemail.
For a transcription of the voice message, if available, just tap on the ‘transcription’ option below the message. This can be useful if you’re in a setting where you can’t listen to the audio.
Saving Important Voicemails:
iPhones typically auto-delete voicemails after 30 days. To preserve important messages:
- Select the desired voicemail.
- Tap the share icon in the top right corner of the control panel.
- Choose ‘Add to Notes’ to save it as a note, or ‘Save to Files’ to store it on your phone or within a third-party app like Google Drive or Dropbox.
Remember, managing voicemails efficiently ensures you never miss crucial information or reminders. Whether you’re checking a new message or storing an old one for posterity, your iPhone offers a streamlined, user-friendly voicemail experience.
What Should You Do If the Voicemail Icon Disappears On Your iPhone? Top 5 Solutions
It’s not uncommon for iPhone users to experience minor glitches from time to time. One particular issue is the mysterious disappearance of the voicemail icon from the phone app. If you find yourself unable to access your voicemail messages due to this glitch, don’t fret. Here’s a comprehensive list of troubleshooting options to guide you through the process:
Refresh the Phone App
Often, a simple refresh resolves many technical hiccups. Start by completely closing your phone app. You can do this by swiping it away from your recent apps list. Once closed, relaunch it. The voicemail icon should ideally find its way back to its designated spot.
Ensure Your iOS is Up-to-date
Outdated software can cause some unexpected anomalies, including the vanishing of the voicemail icon. Head to ‘Settings’, then ‘General’, and finally ‘Software Update’. If there’s an update available, it’s a good idea to install it. New iOS versions often come with bug fixes which could resolve your voicemail issue.
Update Carrier Settings
Sometimes, network providers like AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon push carrier setting updates. These updates optimize your iPhone’s connection to the carrier’s network and might impact services like voicemail. To check for these, go to ‘Settings’, select ‘General’, and tap ‘About’. If an update is available, a prompt will guide you through the process. Ensuring you have the latest carrier settings might restore your voicemail service.
Disable Call Forwarding
An active call forwarding setting could be the reason you’re unable to access voicemail. Navigate to ‘Settings’ and delve into ‘Phone’ settings. Here, you’ll find the ‘Call Forwarding’ option. Ensure it’s toggled off, so your calls, and subsequently voicemails, aren’t being forwarded elsewhere.
Reboot Your iPhone
As age-old wisdom goes, “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” Restarting your iPhone can work wonders for minor glitches. Power it off, wait a few moments, then power it back on. Check your phone app to see if the voicemail icon has returned.
Remember, if you’re unsure about a voicemail password or need to set up voicemail accounts for the first time, consult your service provider’s prompts or web portal for guidance. Voicemails are crucial for many, ensuring you never miss important phone calls or voice mail messages. So, ensuring you have easy access to them on your apple iPhone is essential.
Navigating the realm of voicemails on an iPhone or even an Android phone can sometimes be confusing, especially when glitches arise. However, with the right guidance, users can quickly address most issues and stay connected.
Whether it’s setting up a memorable voicemail greeting, saving a voicemail as an audio file or wav file, or ensuring that voicemail notifications aren’t missed, having access to a dedicated voicemail box is crucial in the digital age. Verizon customers, in particular, have some unique resources available, like the Verizon Call Assistant webpage.
Remember, no matter your phone number or the device you use, ensuring that you can access, save, and manage your voicemails efficiently is a must in this fast-paced world.
How do I set up a personalized voicemail greeting on my iOS phone?
Go to the Phone app, tap on ‘Voicemail’ and follow the prompts to set up a new voicemail greeting.
Why can’t I access my voicemail transcripts on my Android phone?
Voicemail transcripts might be a feature specific to your service provider. Ensure you have an internet connection and that this service is supported for Android devices.
I forgot my voicemail pin and passcode. What should I do?
Most carriers offer a reset option either through a dial pad sequence or their online portal. If you’re a Verizon customer, you might want to check the Verizon Call Assistant webpage for assistance.
How can I save a voicemail as an audio file or wav file on my phone?
On most phones, when listening to a voicemail, there’s an option to share or save the voicemail. Choose the appropriate format and save to your desired location.
I received a voicemail notification but can’t find the new voicemail message. Why?
Ensure you’re checking the correct voicemail box. Sometimes, network glitches or issues with caller ID can cause delays in voicemails appearing.
Can I forward a voicemail to another phone number?
While this might depend on your service provider, many modern voicemail systems allow you to forward a voicemail as an attachment to another recipient’s voicemail menu.
What are the default voicemail settings for an iOS phone?
Default settings typically include a standard greeting and a preset voicemail pin. For specific following options and settings, consult your phone’s manual or your carrier’s guidelines.
How can I ensure my voicemail notifications are always visible on my desk phone?
Check the settings of your desk phone or consult the manual. Ensure that voicemail notifications or ‘VM’ indicators are enabled.