What Internet Speed Do I Need For Blink Camera?
Security cameras, like everything else, are getting more and more technologically advanced as the years move forward.
In fact, most high-quality security cameras even require an internet connection to work.
Blink cameras are some of the most advanced brands available today, but exactly what kind of Wi-Fi does Blink need?
What Internet Speed Do I Need For Blink Camera?
Blink cameras require a minimum of a 2 Mb/sec upload speed internet speed. A cellular connection will not work either. It must be DSL, cable, or fiber. It is also not recommended to use a Blink camera with a satellite connection. Satellite connections have high latency and very strict bandwidth caps.
Still not sure if you meet the requirements of a Blink camera? Keep reading to find out all there is to know about Blink and its requirements.
How Much Wi-Fi Does Blink Camera Use
As previously mentioned, Blink cameras require an upload speed of at least 2Mb/sec.
This is different than the standard download speed.
Blink cameras constantly send data to other places.
You can check your upload speed with any number of apps or even by simply searching speed test on Google.
The test will first check your download speed, then it will check your upload speed.
The second number it shows you will be the upload speed.
If it’s not at least 2Mb/sec, you may have to switch internet providers or data plans if you want to use a Blink camera system.
What If My Internet Is Too Slow?
If your internet is too slow and you don’t want to switch data plans, there are a few things you can do to try and get better performance out of your Blink camera system.
If you notice that your video quality is choppy, unstable, or not showing up at all, try one of these tricks.
Use 2.4 GHz Options
Blink cameras only support 2.4 GHz options.
Most internet routers are equipped to send out both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz signals.
5.0 GHz is faster, but the signal doesn’t reach as far.
2.4 GHz is slower, but it has a much longer range.
Simply switching your router from 5.0 to 2.4 could be all you need to do in order to get your Blink system up and running.
Use An Ethernet Cable
Blink camera systems do support Wi-Fi; however, Wi-Fi is a little slower than a wired connection.
If your connection isn’t fast enough to support Blink camera over Wi-Fi, you might just need to run a physical cable to your cameras.
This could eliminate the issue and get your Blink camera up and running efficiently.

Turn Off Other Devices
Each and every device connected to your internet uses data, even in the background.
Remove your smart TV, laptops, and phone from your Wi-Fi and see if it frees up enough bandwidth to support your Blink camera.
Do Blink Cameras Use A Lot Of Internet?
Blink cameras can use quite a large amount of data.
As we know, Blink cameras are motion sensor cameras, so they only record when they detect motion.
This means they use less data than cameras that require it at all times, but the data consumption is still substantial.
Blink cameras use 750 kilobytes of data for every five-second clip.
This means for every hour of video your Blink camera records you are sending 540 megabytes of data over your internet.
That’s nearly half a gig per hour.
That’s why satellite internet and other data-capped internet plans are not advisable for use with a Blink camera.
What Is A Good Internet Speed For Cameras
As previously stated, Blink cameras officially require 2Mb/sec of upload speed; however, they may still function with slower speeds.
You will see a deterioration of quality in some cases, but you should still have a functioning camera system.
This is especially true if you want just a single Blink camera.
Even having two Blink cameras hooked up to a single internet connection could still function if you are just a little below the 2Mb/sec requirement.
Why Doesn’t Cellular Work?
Blink cameras simply aren’t set up for cellular data use; however, you may still be able to use your cellular connection if you have a mobile hotspot option.
As long as your mobile hotspot’s bandwidth is fast enough to support the camera, it will still function as normal.
This isn’t advised though because most mobile hotspot plans are limited bandwidth, with some allowing as little as 2 gigabytes of data per month.
That would run your bandwidth dry after just four hours of Blink video recordings.
How Far Away Can Blink Cameras Be From Wi-Fi?
Blink cameras come with something called sync modules.
These modules communicate with the camera and transmit the data over the internet.
The modules themselves need to be relatively close to your internet router.
As for the cameras, they can be up to 100 feet away from the sync module.
As long as the sync module is in the same room as the router, you should be able to surround your entire home with Blink cameras.
Some homes may be too large to utilize Blink cameras effectively. Those with larger homes or someone who wants a Blink camera further from their router do have an option though.
Wi-Fi repeaters are relatively cheap and act as a booster for your Wi-Fi signal.
These devices grab your Wi-Fi connection and retransmits it with their own antenna.
It could be exactly what you need to get your ideal security system layout up and running.
How Do I Use Blink Without the Internet?
Blink cameras require the internet to function.
In fact, a majority of wireless security cameras rely on the internet to transmit or upload the videos they take.
However, there are a few models that use internal storage to record videos.
These are a great alternative, but they will require the owner to constantly remove the storage device, review its contents, and erase the data.
These types of wireless cameras aren’t ideal for most people, but they do serve a precise niche of people well.
What If My Blink Camera Says Offline?
There are only two reasons your Blink camera will say it’s offline – if your internet is down or a sync module is out of range.
If your internet is down, you will have to contact your internet provider to fix the issue.
It’s important to consider the distance between both your sync module and router and your sync module and camera.
The camera can be up to 100 feet away from the sync module, but the module itself needs to be pretty close to your router.
Try moving the sync module to the same room as your router then moving your camera closer to the sync module.
This should correct the issue.