How to Quit Mail on Mac (Explained!)
Although Macs are known for their reliability, they sometimes begin to malfunction and glitch. This requires users to have to quit the application they are using. So, what if you need to quit out of Mail while using it?
To quit Mail on a Mac, force quit the application. To force quit, use the keyboard shortcut Option + Command + Escape. To force quit Mail manually, go to Apple Menu, Force Quit, then select Mail. Force quitting can be done when the Mail application is malfunctioning or failing to respond.
There are three different ways to quit Mail on a Mac, including force quitting manually, using the keyboard shortcut, or using the Activity Monitor. Force quitting is a simple process and can be the easiest way of resolving any issues occurring with the Mail application. To learn more about quitting Mail on a Mac, continue reading below.
Option + Command + Escape
The first way that a user can quit Mail on a Mac is by using the following keyboard shortcut: Option + Command + Escape. This is the easiest way to quit out of any app, as it takes a minimal number of steps. However, it does require users to be able to remember this shortcut. Luckily, remembering three keys is pretty easy.
Force Quit
The second way that a user can quit Mail on a Mac is by using the Force Quit function. In order to force quit, hover the cursor over the top of the screen. The Menu Bar should then appear, with the Apple icon located at the top far left-hand side.

To quit Mail on a Mac by using the Force Quit option, complete the following steps: Apple Menu > Force Quit > Mail.
Press the Apple icon, and a panel of options should then appear. Near the middle of the options is the Force Quit button. Click on Force Quit, which will then cause another window to appear. This window provides a list of applications that can be shut down based on the user’s preference.
Select the Mail icon (or any other app needing to be shut down), and then press the blue Force Quit button at the bottom of the window. This will automatically result in the Mail app shutting down.
Activity Monitor
The third way that a user can quit the Mail application on a Mac is by using the Activity Monitor. The Activity Monitor is something that is fairly overlooked by Mac users, and most do not realize their Mac comes with this function. However, it is a useful feature, and it can be used to force quit the Mail application.
This simple method of force-quitting can be used whenever Mail or any other app is no longer responding properly.
In order to find the Activity Monitor on a Mac, most users use Spotlight Search. Spotlight Search helps find nearly anything on a Mac in a quick fashion. Spotlight Search finds documents, files, applications, etc. In order to use Spotlight Search, hover the cursor over the top of the screen.
The Menu Bar will appear with a list of options to choose from. On the right side of the screen, there will be a magnifying glass. Click on the magnifying glass and type Activity Monitor into the search bar.
Another method of finding the Activity Monitor is by using Finder. Finder is used to keep the Mac organized, which means every application can be found through the Finder. Finder categorizes the Mac by Downloads, Applications, Airdrop, etc. Once Finder is open, click on the Applications panel. Next, type in “Activity Monitor.” Open this app and proceed to the next steps.
Once the Activity Monitor is opened, search for Mail in the search bar. Select Mail and then click the X at the top located in the octagon. Lastly, click Quit or Force Quit. The Mail application will then be closed and quit.
Why Mail Is Not Working on a Mac

Mac Needs to Be Shut Down
One of the most common reasons why Mail is not working on a Mac is because the computer needs to be shut down. This may need to occur even if the Mail application has been shut down. Oftentimes, the entire Mac needs to shut down as well because it is malfunctioning. This can be a quick fix and is most commonly the reason why certain applications are not working.
In order to shut down a Mac, hover the cursor over the top of the screen. Once hovering, the Menu Bar will appear. Click the Apple logo located at the far lefthand side of the screen. Near the bottom of the options is Shut Down. Press this button and allow the Mac to shut itself down.
Mac Is Not Updated
Another reason why Mail may not be working on a Mac is because it is not fully updated. Frequently, when the Mac is not up to date, it may begin to glitch in certain, unexpected ways.
This is the computer’s way of telling users that it needs to be updated. To ensure that needing an update is not the reason the Mac is malfunctioning, make sure the computer is at its most recent upgrade.
Email Account Is Offline
Oftentimes, when the Mail app is not working, it will warn its users. This can be through a lightning bolt or a warning icon. These icons may appear on the sidebar or in the top right corner of the window. No matter where the icon appears, it is a warning sign that something is wrong with the application, and it needs to be resolved.
The lightning bolt is an indication that the email account is offline. In order to fix this, select the lightning bolt icon and then click “Take All Accounts Online.” This will make all of the accounts online.
However, some individuals may only want to make certain accounts online. To do this, select the lightning bolt, click Mailbox, then Online Status, and then choose which account to Take Online. This is common if individuals have multiple accounts.