Why Samsung TVs Turn Off By Themselves And Won’t Turn Back On
Samsung TVs are a standard in a lot of homes and usually, Samsung TVs are quite reliable. That is until the TV starts turning off by itself and won’t turn back on. Overall, Samsung is considered to be one of the best companies in the world for releasing high-end tech and gadgets, which is generally the case with their TVs. However, there have been a lot of problems lately with Samsung TV owners reporting that their TVs are shutting down on their own and then not turning back on.

Table of Contents
- Why does my Samsung TV keep turning off by itself and then not turning back on?
- Power Issues
- Software & Hardware Issues
Why does my Samsung TV keep turning off by itself and then not turning back on?
A Samsung TV may turn off by itself and won’t turn back on if there is a faulty cable or surge protector, poorly connected cables, or issues with your home’s power. Alternatively, it could be due to outdated software, corrupted files, a sleep timer, or overheating.
Although Samsung has built a reputation for manufacturing quality devices, they have been known to glitch out from time to time. If you have been experiencing an issue with your Samsung TV turning off by itself and then not turning back on, you are not the only one, as this has been a growing trend with a lot of users.
There is nothing more frustrating than sitting down to enjoy some quality streaming only to have your TV bug out on you – especially if it won’t even turn on. To help you get back to watching TV, we are going to take you through the potential reasons why your Samsung device is acting up and what you can do to resolve the problem.
After extensively researching Samsung TV malfunctions, I have been able to gather enough information to determine why a Samsung TV turns off by itself and won’t turn back on. My research has indicated that there are a number of different factors that can cause this problem and you should consider each possible issue to fix your Samsung TV.
Power Issues
A very common reason behind Samsung TVs turning off and then not turning back on is that the device is not receiving adequate power or that there is a malfunction with your power source. The first thing that you always want to do in this situation is to check whether your TV is receiving power at all.
You can do this by looking at your Samsung TV’s standby light. Your TV should be receiving power even if it is switched off.
If the device is turning off by itself, your standby light will be the first indicator of whether there is enough power reaching your TV to function. Here’s what you should look for:
- Stable Red Light (Receiving Power)
- Blinking Red Light (Inconsistent Power)
- No Light (No Power)
Double-check to see that your Samsung TV is properly plugged into a power source. Depending on the light that you see, you will have a better idea of how to proceed moving forward. Let’s dive into the possible power issues that are causing your Samsung TV to malfunction.
Ruptured or Faulty Cables
If you are seeing a blinking standby light (or no light at all), then there could be something wrong with your TV cables. Cables get worn and torn after a while and they can easily cause power issues with your device when this happens.
Look at the condition of your TV’s cable to see if you can spot anything that looks ruptured. This can happen from furniture getting moved around or even from a pet chewing on your cables.
If you see a rupture or any exposed wiring, you have probably found the reason behind your TV’s issue and you should replace the cable immediately, as this can pose a fire hazard.

Poorly Connected Cables
Odds are you have probably already tried connecting and reconnecting your cables, but you would be surprised by how many people overlook this common issue. The cables that connect your TV to your power source should be properly inserted to function.
If they are even slightly out of place, this could easily be causing the problem with your TV. Head over to your Samsung TV and completely unplug all of its cables and plug them back in. This includes the power source, as well as the TV itself.
Faulty Surge Protector or Power Strip
A lot of people connect their TVs to surge protectors and power strips. Surge protectors are designed to protect your electronic devices from inconsistent electricity sources. In addition, power strips are also very common in a lot of households – especially if you have an expansive home entertainment system that requires a lot of outlets.
Much like with your wires and cables, you can potentially be experiencing an issue with your surge protector or power strip. Take a look at your surge protector or power strip to see if you can spot any exposed wires or cracks, as this will be a telltale sign of what is causing your power issue.
If you do not see any visible faults, try plugging your Samsung TV into a different power source such as your wall outlet. If the TV functions properly after doing so, you will know that the surge protector or power strip is faulty.
Home Power Issues
If you did not see a noticeable issue with your TV’s power, then the problem could be your home’s power supply. This can be due to an outlet or your entire home being overloaded with power usage, which is quite common if you have an excessive amount of devices and appliances working at the same time.
Usually, you can identify this issue if you see other devices and appliances acting up as well. Take a look to see if other electronic devices that are plugged in are turning off and on.
If they are, you will know that you are overloading your home’s power.
Oftentimes, you can solve this problem by unplugging unnecessary devices and you may need to flip your circuit breaker. However, if you are not comfortable dealing with your circuit breaker and prefer to call out an electrician, hiring a professional is the safest way to approach this.
Software & Hardware Issues
If your Samsung TV is still malfunctioning after you have determined that you are not experiencing a problem with your power, then it most likely has something to do with the device’s software or hardware.
Outdated Software
Samsung will launch updates for devices regularly and that includes their TVs. Generally, these software updates will start automatically and you do not need to do anything to initiate them.
When this happens, you will see an update notification appear on your TV and it should display the update that is taking place as well as the estimated time until its finalized.
A lot of users get impatient during this process and want to skip the update to jump right into watching TV. While it is understandable to do this, you should keep in mind that updates enable your device to function better and if you are running outdated software then you could experience issues such as your TV turning off on you.
To update your Samsung TV software go to your Settings and then Support. You should see the latest update that is available.
Corrupted Files
The majority of Samsung TVs these days can connect to the internet which opens up a lot of possibilities to go online and use web applications. However, it also means that you have an increased risk of downloading a corrupted file onto your TV.
If you access unsafe websites or directly download files onto your TV, there is a chance that you could have installed a virus accidentally. To remove any corrupted files from your TV, you need to access your System Manager and click on Security.
You can then initiate a scan to get rid of the virus much like you would on a PC.
TV Sleep Timer
Samsung TVs are equipped with sleep timers that automatically shut the device down after a certain period. This is a setting that is designed to turn off a TV so that users can fall asleep with the device on and not worry about needing to wake up to turn it off.
There are a variety of different sleep settings that Samsung TVs have and you can set them to engage based on your preferences. With that being, these settings can easily get turned on without you being aware of them.
You can disable this setting directly through the Sleep Button on your remote or you can access this function through your TV settings under System Manager.
Your Samsung TV has a safety feature that forces it to shut down in case it gets too hot. This is to prevent any permanent damage from happening to your TV.
There are a number of different factors that can contribute to overheating and you can generally figure out if this is a problem if the device gets excessively hot.
Normally, this is either caused by a hardware issue or if the indoor temperature of the room is simply too hot.
You will either need to unplug the TV to let it cool down before you can use it or replace any faulty hardware that could be causing it to overheat, which is a technical fix.