How Do I Change My Fitness Goals On My iPhone?

If you’ve been using your iPhone to track your fitness goals and now want to change them, this is a simple thing you can do, and the process is easy-to-follow. Many of us have come to rely on our iPhones to keep track of the fitness goals we’ve set for ourselves on our Apple Watch. But what happens when you want to change some of your daily activities or start a new program altogether? Figuring out if this is an easy process is helpful before you decide what you want to do.

How Do I Change My Fitness Goals On My iPhone 1 How Do I Change My Fitness Goals On My iPhone?

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How do you change your Fitness Goals on an iPhone?

You can’t change your fitness goals on your iPhone, but you can change them by opening the Activity app on your Apple Watch and changing your Move goals from there. You can only change your exercise and stand goals on the Apple Watch OS7 version or higher. 

There are going to be times that you may need to change your activity levels or fitness goals, depending on what’s going on in your life. Perhaps you’re dealing with sickness (yours or someone else’s), need to travel, or are going on vacation.

There are other times you’ll want to increase your fitness goals because you’re working toward something new, like training for a special event or trying to lose some weight. Whatever your reason for wanting to change up your fitness goals, let’s make sure you know how to do it so that it will benefit what you are trying to accomplish.

I have always been an avid exerciser, but really love how the iPhone and Apple Watch allow me to track more about my overall health than just how much exercise I’ve gotten today. 

Knowing things like my heart rate, how much I’ve moved today, and even how long I’ve been standing or sitting for, all help me monitor where I am in my fitness and activity goals, and where I need a little improvement. But, oftentimes, my goals change, and I want to be able to have that reflected in the information my iPhone and Apple Watch are providing to me. Let’s find out how.

Steps To Change Your Fitness Goals on Your iPhone

More and more, we are learning that health isn’t just based on a number on the scale or how many calories we consumed today. As medical providers, dieticians and scientists continue to study the human body, we are finding that how we can measure our overall health has to do with everything from our physical health, our emotional health, and our mental health combined.

Fitness trackers have become a popular way to learn more about ourselves…how our sleep, heart rate, mental state of mind, activity, and caloric intake (and what kind) all play a role in how we feel on a given day, as well as long term. 

How Do I Change My Fitness Goals On My iPhone 1 1 How Do I Change My Fitness Goals On My iPhone?

As fitness trackers have increased in popularity, so have they in sophistication. 

If you own an iPhone, there’s a good chance you may have invested in the Apple Watch as your fitness tracker of choice. 

Apple Watch fans know that this is one of the premier forms of fitness tracking on the market. The incredible amount of choices the user has to track is really impressive. Though there are a number of different types of Apple Watches, almost any model is going to do an impressive amount of tracking for you when it comes to monitoring your health.

But what do you do when you’re wanting to change certain elements of your tracking choices? What is the best way to go about changing your fitness goals, whether it be on your iPhone or Apple Watch?

Unfortunately, you can’t change any of your tracking goals directly on your iPhone, but you can change them on your Apple Watch, which will then show up on your iPhone if you want to track your progress from there instead of your wrist. 

Let’s go through the ways you can change your various goals – Calorie goals, Move goals, and Stand goals – on your different Apple devices.

1. How to Change Your Move Goals

Changing your Move goals is an easy way to monitor your health. You can change your Move goals as often or infrequently as you wish, and they can be changed from any version of the Apple Watch.

Like I said earlier, you can’t change this goal from your iPhone, but it will be reflected on your iPhone Fitness app once you change it on your Apple Watch.

Sometimes you may be in a position where burning more calories isn’t ideal, perhaps because you are sick, or traveling, or are going to be spending a long day in meetings and you just know you’re not going to be able to meet your regular goals for the day.

Other times, you may be ready to pump up how many calories you want to burn in a day. If you are trying to lose weight, or have been told by a medical professional that decreasing your caloric intake would be a good idea, then you’ll want to be able to adjust what your Move goal is for a period of time.

Changing this goal is easy to do.

Start by opening the Activity app that is located on the front of your Apple Watch. You’ll see a screen open that says, “Change Goals.”

Click on the “Move” icon. It will show two signs: a plus sign and a minus sign. Tap on the one that applies to you – the plus sign if you want to increase the number of calories you want to burn, or the minus sign if you want to decrease the number of calories you want to burn.

Once you are satisfied with your new Move goal, tap “Done.” You will see the new number displayed on your Apple Watch and your iPhone when the Fitness app is open.

2. How to Change Your Exercise goals

As I mentioned earlier, Apple only introduced the ability to change your Exercise goals with the OS7 update version.

The reason for this was that before, Apple was implementing globally recognized standards for how much exercise we should get in a day. With this new version, they now allow consumers to customize that number for themselves.

To change your Exercise goal, go back into the Activity app on your Apple Watch and click “Change Goals.” This time, choose the “Exercise” icon.

As with the “Move” icon, you will see a plus and a minus sign. You can now adjust up or down how many minutes of exercise you want to set as your new goal.

When done, press the “Done” tab and both your Apple Watch and iPhone will update immediately to reflect your new number of exercise minutes you wish to complete.

3. How to Change Your Stand Goals

As with the Exercise goals, you can now change your Stand goals if you currently are running the OS7 version on your Apple Watch.

If you do not have an Apple Watch with OS7 or higher, your Stand goal will be automatically set for you.

Once again, go ahead and open the Activity app on your Apple Watch, and follow the same prompts as before, but this time under the “Stand” icon.

You will push the plus or minus sign, depending on how many minutes you want to set as your standing goal for the day. Don’t forget to press “Done” before you exit the app.

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