Using Hydrogen Peroxide To Clean Your AirPods
If you want to clean your AirPods safely and thoroughly, you might want to know how to clean AirPods with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a common liquid used for cleaning wounds and can be effective for cleaning germs and fungus from walls and floors. Since AirPods can get quite dirty at times, it might seem appropriate to clean them with hydrogen peroxide.

Table of Contents
- Can you use hydrogen peroxide to clean your AirPods?
- What Cleaning Tools Can I Use To Clean AirPods?
- What Liquids Can I Use To Clean AirPods?
Can you use hydrogen peroxide to clean your AirPods?
You should not clean AirPods with hydrogen peroxide since it could damage electronic parts and sensitive materials. Apple recommends cleaning AirPods with a lint-free cloth that is soft and dry. If needed, you can use plain water or a laundry detergent solution to clean non-sensitive AirPods parts.
You should be most careful when cleaning in and around sensitive parts of your AirPods, such as electrical connection points and areas with mesh material. You should not use liquid of any kind when cleaning these areas.
If your AirPods only require basic cleaning, you should try to clean them entirely with soft and dry tools such as lint-free clothes, brushes, and cotton swabs.
The main thing you should do when cleaning AirPods is to treat them gently.
You might have numerous cleaning tools around your home like brushes, sponges, and cleaning agents, but you should avoid using anything that may be too rough, sharp, or abrasive.
Hydrogen peroxide might be great for cleaning wounds, but it is generally not a suitable cleaning agent for electronics.
Since AirPods have openings with metal contacts and electronic components, using hydrogen peroxide on your AirPods could cause significant damage to them.
Hydrogen peroxide might also be too abrasive for certain exterior materials on your AirPods.
Using abrasive substances and tools might work well to clean durable things like kitchen floors, car wheels, and bathtubs, but they can be very harmful to an item with sensitive materials and electronic parts like AirPods.
Even if you don’t have some of the cleaning tools recommended below, you should try your best to have a minimalist approach when cleaning AirPods. If you are not sure if a certain substance or tool is appropriate for cleaning AirPods, you should avoid using it.
The price for your repairs or replacing damaged parts may be more expensive than the full price of the AirPods.

What Cleaning Tools Can I Use To Clean AirPods?
When it comes to cleaning tools, you shouldn’t use an ordinary towel, paper napkin, or anything that might leave a trail of lint or debris.
Though a regular towel might seem harmless for cleaning common household items like tables, chairs, and countertops, the bits of lint that fall off the towel could get into sensitive parts of your AirPods.
Connection ports and openings in electronic devices like AirPods can malfunction with just the slightest amount of debris or moisture.Electronic components are basically designed to function in a clean and dry environment, so adding foreign substances to the mix can be extremely disruptive.
Keeping your AirPods clean is probably a top priority, but it shouldn’t be prioritized over having AirPods that actually work.
Use A Lint-Free Cloth To Clean AirPods
To clean AirPods with proper care, you should skip regular towels and use a lint-free cloth that is always dry and soft. Some lint-free cloths are soft when you first use them, but they could become more rigid and abrasive over time.
If you use a lint-free cloth to clean something wet, you should make sure the moisture is completely removed from the cloth before cleaning your AirPods.
It might help to run your hands a few times through the lint-free cloth to make sure there are no rough or wet spots.
You should also make sure there is no dirt or debris left over from cleaning something else.
Since the lint-free cloth could pick up debris from certain areas of your AirPods, you should make sure not to spread that debris to other areas of your AirPods.
Special attention should be given to openings that lead to electronic components in your AirPods.
You should make sure you don’t move moisture or debris from the outer parts of your AirPods to metal contact points and internal parts.
Use A Soft Brush Or Cotton Swab To Clean Mesh Areas On AirPods
The mesh materials in your AirPods microphone and speakers should be treated with enormous care.
The microphones and speakers have openings that lead to sensitive electronic parts that are critical for your AirPods to function.
If you can’t get rid of debris from the mesh areas on your AirPods, you can try using a soft and dry brush to gently rub the mesh areas.
If the debris isn’t completely removed with the brush, you can try to lightly shake or blow against the mesh areas from the side.
You should avoid blowing directly into the microphone or speakers so the debris doesn’t fall into any openings.
If certain mesh areas are too small for the brush, you can dry using a dry cotton swab to clean the area.
Since cotton swabs can have bits fall off if you rub them too harshly, you should be sure not to use too much force when cleaning your AirPods with a cotton swab.
What Liquids Can I Use To Clean AirPods?
Though you should avoid using liquids anytime you clean your AirPods, there may be times when you may have to use some kind of liquid.
Cleaning with a dry cloth or brush alone might damage certain parts of your AirPods if you rub too firmly.
If your headband or ear cushions on your AirPods Max are stained or have a stubborn substance on it that is hard to clean with a cloth alone, you can try using water or diluted laundry detergents to clean them.
Use Plain Water To Clean AirPods
When using a liquid to clean your AirPods, you should first try to use plain water since it’s less abrasive.
You should avoid using water on areas of your AirPods with metal contacts, openings, or mesh materials.
If you want to use water to clean other areas of your AirPods, you can dip your soft, lint-free cloth into a bit of water and wring it out so the cloth isn’t dripping wet.
You just want the closet to be moist enough to remove the dirt or other substances on your AirPods.
The moistness of the cloth should be similar to a baby wipe or other pre-moistened wipe.
Gently run the dirty areas of your AirPods until it is sufficiently clean.
You can dry the cleaned areas with a different soft, lint-free cloth that is dry.
After you dry your AirPods with a dry cloth, you should let the AirPods dry for as long as possible to ensure there is no moisture on them.
Use A Diluted Laundry Detergent Solution To Clean AirPods
When certain areas of your AirPods get too dirty, using a dry cloth might not be enough.
Your AirPods might have a sticky substance on them that water can’t even clean.
If you need a solution stronger than water, you can try to make a diluted detergent solution.
Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid laundry detergent with 1 cup or water to create a cleaning solution for outer areas of your AirPods.
You can clean in the same manner as water and ensure there isn’t too much moisture on your cloth when rubbing.