Why Does My Bose Speaker Cut Out?
Do you have a Bose speaker?
Does your Bose speaker keep cutting out?
If you have a Bose speaker and it keeps cutting out, this article can give you some answers.
Why Does My Bose Speaker Cut Out?
The Bose speaker cuts out because of either poor connectivity between devices or independent issues with each device. Issues with cutting out can arise from issues with the devices themselves, or how the devices are working or not working with one another.
To learn what those issues could be, keep reading and find out why your Bose speaker could be cutting out.
Poor Connection Between The Speaker and Device
Poor connections between the speaker and device can occur when the device itself is having a difficult time performing well and how it is supposed to, regardless of what Bluetooth device or auxiliary cord it’s connected to.
To test and see if this is the case, try and connect different devices that the speaker is unfamiliar with one at a time to see if they will connect or not.
If they do connect without any issue, then the poor connection is coming from the device rather than the speaker.
If they are not able to either recognize the new device or connect to the speaker, the issue is stemming from the speaker.
In either case, you will want to make sure that when you are using the speaker, you are keeping the device and the speaker in close proximity to each other.
This is so the connection isn’t interfered with due to range.
In the event that you are using an auxiliary cord to connect the device to the speaker, it would be wise to purchase a new auxiliary cord and see if that makes a difference.
Oftentimes, auxiliary cord failures can present themselves in the cutting out of sound from the device and speaker.
Issue with the Device

It is easy when listening through a speaker that is connected to a separate device, to immediately blame the speaker as the culprit for issues such as cutting out.
While in some cases that is true, there are also instances that the device is the cause of the inconsistency of sound coming out of the speaker.
One issue that could be a cause is if the sound on the device is muted.
The purpose of the speaker is to project the sound coming from the device in a higher range of volume.
If the device’s sound that the speaker is trying to amplify is off, the speaker has no sound to produce.
The fix to this issue is easy and simple, make sure the sound on your device is on.
The volume of the sound on your device while connected is a factor as well.
If the sound on your device is low and quiet, the speaker can only amplify that sound so much.
If the sound is desired to be increased even more, make sure to check where the volume is at on your device.
Another issue that can arise with devices is internet connectivity.
If you are streaming from a platform on your device that is reliant on a solid, quality internet connection, it is important to make sure that your internet connection is strong.
When you have a poor, weak internet connection the streaming can be easily interrupted because the platform cannot stream without that connection.
An additional, but less common issue is the battery life of your device.
If you are using a device with a low battery, it can affect the performance of the device itself, as well as any streaming the device is trying to put out.
The solution to this is simple as well.
Most devices have the ability to charge either while connected to a Bluetooth speaker or an auxiliary cord.
Having the device connected to a power source should not affect the quality of the sound, but it will prevent cutting out because of a low battery.
Issue With the Speaker
If your speaker connects easily with your device and vice versa, the possibility is high that the issue could be the speaker itself.
One indicator that the issue is the speaker is if it turns off and then back on while in use.
Your speaker should stay on the whole time until you turn it off unless the battery dies from prolonged use or lack of charging.
If you turn on the speaker and the blue LED light doesn’t come on, that is an indicator your speaker’s battery is dead and needs to be charged.
Another indicator is if your speaker’s light flashes red.
This is letting you know that your speaker needs to be updated.
If you update the speaker, and the issue is still continuing, you might try completely resetting your speaker.
While you want to avoid resetting your speaker due to lost connections to devices, it may be worth it to have a more solid connection between your speaker and devices.
The Device is Outside Bluetooth Range
Another simple, but common issue that comes up with complaints about the cutting out of specifically Bluetooth speakers, is putting the device out of range from the speaker.
There is a convenience of mobility with using a Bluetooth speaker, but they are not designed or intended to have a large range of connectivity.
While Bluetooth speakers do allow you the freedom to move the device away from speaker more than you would be able to with an auxiliary cord, there is still a limit to how far the Bluetooth can keep the connection with the device.
When you purchase or receive a Bluetooth speaker, it can be helpful to check the instructions manual.
This will often tell you the range that is intended for that specific speaker.
Knowing the range of the speaker can help you know how far you can move the device from the speaker without causing any connectivity issues.
As long as you keep the device close enough to the speaker that it is still within the recommended range, there shouldn’t be any issues with your speaker cutting out.