Can iPhones Get Viruses From Websites?

Many people consider Apple products to be safer than alternative options, but I’ve also heard many people say their iPhones can’t get viruses. 

Don’t confuse safer with invincible.

I’ll talk about whether your iPhone can get viruses from unsafe or compromised websites.

Can iPhones Get Viruses From Websites?

While iPhones are safer and less likely to be infected with viruses, your device can still get malware. The good news is that there are antivirus apps that can remove them, and there are other troubleshooting steps as well. Though these devices are safer, I don’t suggest going to infected websites.

The last thing you want is an infected iPhone that’s full of malware and viruses. 

Let’s talk about how safe your device really is, and what you can do if your iPhone is infected.

Apple iPhones and Viruses

The truth is that your iPhone is more secure than an Android device, but that doesn’t mean it’s invincible. 

I’m going to cover some vital information so that you know how safe your device really is.

The major reason why your iPhone is safer is that it’s a closed ecosystem. 

Apple closely monitors apps and data to ensure everything is safe, but malware can escape detection and make its way onto your device.

Let’s cover common vulnerabilities and how most people get malware on their device.


Can iPhones get viruses from Safari? Apple iPhones and the default Safari browser are very secure. 

If you haven’t done anything to modify your device, then the chances of getting viruses from websites is incredibly low.

There are several reasons for this. 

The first is that Apple products tend to have a closed ecosystem and their devices are safer overall.

It’s harder for malware to infect the system, and it’s harder for viruses to spread completely. 

So while it’s possible to get a virus from an infected website, the chances are low.

Another big reason is because there are more Android devices overall. 

Because it’s often a numbers game and hackers want to infect as many devices as possible, they are more likely to create viruses that infect Android devices. 

They tend to have more vulnerabilities, and there are more devices to attack.

That being said, there have been instances where websites were infected and attacked iPhones. 

Some hackers intentionally target these devices and there are vulnerabilities in every system, so don’t think that your iPhone is invincible.


Getting a virus from a website is very rare, but it does happen. 

What about getting viruses from applications? If you’re like most iPhone users, then you probably have several dozen apps downloaded on your phone.

Apps are great because they enhance the device’s functionality.

They can stream videos, help with word processing, make automated investments, provide entertainment and so much more. 

At the same time, an app is packed with data and is lodged deeply into your device. 

You’re effectively inviting something into your phone and giving it permission to use various systems.

Apple is typically a very secure ecosystem. 

Every app is scanned for viruses before it’s added to the App Store, and it’s regularly scanned to ensure it’s still safe. That being said, there have been times when apps were infected and escaped detection.

This is also very rare, but it’s a little more common than getting viruses from websites.

Jailbroken Device

The benefit of having a closed system like iPhone is that it tends to be safer, but it restricts certain apps and processes from being used on your device. 

Jailbreaking is a process that allows you to download new apps that Apple never authorized.

The benefit of this is that you can now use apps and other features that are fun and unique. 

The problem is that now your device is significantly more vulnerable. 

Jailbreaking your device makes it much more likely that it will be infected by malware.

While a default device can also be infected, the majority of iPhone users with malware have a jailbroken device.

Signs of an Infected Device

How can I check my iPhone for viruses? I’ll go through the common signs and symptoms of an infected iPhone.

In short, if you see anything odd or if your device is acting weird, then it’s probably infected.

Unfamiliar Apps

Viruses will often try downloading files onto your device or computer. 

This gives the hacker more control of your device, and it also let’s them do more with your iPhone. Many people have seen unfamiliar apps downloaded onto their infected devices.

These apps will often mine cryptocurrency, download more infected files, run ads or do other things that further the hacker’s agenda.

More Advertisements

If you’re streaming free videos or reading articles, then you probably see the occasional advertisement.

If your device is infected, then you are probably seeing significantly more advertisements.

The reason for this is that it allows the hacker to make money from your device. 

Not only that, but these ads often download even more viruses onto your device.

Higher Data Usage

As I said above, many viruses will download files or mine crypto so that the hacker makes money from your device. 

This requires a lot of data. 

You will likely see your cellular data use spike from the extra activity.

If your carrier claims that you’ve used a tremendous amount of data, then it’s likely that a virus is at fault.

Hot Battery

While this could be a sign that your battery is old or faulty, many infected devices are working hard to make hackers money.

Much like a fever for a human, you will probably notice that your battery is hot and the battery life is dying much faster than normal.

If your thigh or hand feel hot from the device, then it’s likely that your device has been infected.

Action Steps

If your iPhone has a virus, then you need to work fast to limit the damage. 

Removing the virus quickly might prevent permanent damage to your device, so don’t waste time on fixing your iPhone.

Installing an antivirus app is probably the easiest and most straightforward thing to do, but that’s not your only option. 

There are several other ways to remove viruses.

Erase Browser Data

Turn your iPhone to airplane mode.

This will prevent the virus from downloading more files and data.

Open your browser, which is likely Safari, and clear all website data and history.

You might be surprised to hear that this can remove some viruses.

It’s a good first step, but you might need to do more.

Delete Suspicious Apps

If you recently downloaded an app or if you see an unfamiliar app, then delete it from your system. 

This should prevent the app from continuing to infect your system. 

This might be enough to remove the virus.

Backup Device

You should have iCloud active so that it can backup your data for instances like this.

Use iCloud to restore a backup file of your device.

Try to find the most recent backup file, but make sure that it’s from before your phone was infected. 

Restoring your device with an infected file just means that the virus will propagate again.

While you might lose some files or progress in the process, this can save your device from permanent damage.

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