Can the Sony WH 1000 XM3 Connect to Multiple Devices?

If you’re lucky to own a pair of Sony WH-1000XM3 noise-canceling headphones, you’re probably looking for ways to maximize their potential and integrate them into your life more.

You may find yourself wondering if you can connect them to both your phone, your tablet, your Playstation, and all of your other devices, maybe even all at once?

Can the Sony WH 1000 XM3 Connect to Multiple Devices?

The Sony WH-1000XM3 can absolutely connect to multiple devices. It was designed to allow users to quickly switch tablets, laptops, desktops, smartphones, mp3 players, and many other Bluetooth-enabled devices. In fact, the Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones can connect to up to eight devices at a time.

After all, what good would a quality noise-canceling Bluetooth headset have if you had to deal with the hassle of disconnecting, removing, and reconnecting to one device after another and back again? 

As one of Sony’s more expensive consumer headphones, the WH-1000XM3 justifies its hefty $349.99 price in quality of life features alongside the sturdy excellent build and audio quality. 

From the QN1 HD noise-canceling processor to built-in NFC and Adaptive Sound Control, this Sony product has features to spare. 

The WH-1000XM3’s NFC, or Near Field Communication, and Bluetooth capabilities are our focus though.

With the ability to connect to devices through quick one-tap NFC functions and the reliable strength of Bluetooth 4.2, these headphones are perfect for techno-savvy audiophiles.

How many devices can the Sony WH 1000 XM3 Connect To?

Can the Sony WH 1000 XM3 Connect to Multiple Devices 1 Can the Sony WH 1000 XM3 Connect to Multiple Devices?

Sony’s WH-1000XM3 headphones can connect with up to eight devices at one time.

A perfect match for those who switch from device to device throughout the day. 

While I don’t imagine many people will need to make use of connecting to eight devices, the ability to switch between a regular set of say three or four is all that’s necessary for normal use (smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop, and/or work computer).

While these headphones can be connected to eight different devices at once, the connection is still limited by the standard Bluetooth distance connection of approximately thirty feet (or ten meters). 

This may come as bad news for potential Bluetooth spies.

For the rest of us, this just means that you won’t eat up one of your Bluetooth connections with devices out of range.

It also means that if you’re connected to your smartphone, you’ll want to keep your device with you or at least in the same room.

How to Connect Multiple Devices to the Sony WH 1000 XM3

Now that you know the full power of the WH-1000XM3’s Bluetooth connection, it’s time to start putting it to use. 

Pairing to Bluetooth headphones is already a fairly simple process, but Sony decided to make use of NFC technology to make it even easier. 

Because of Sony’s design ambition, you have two methods to connect your headphones to your devices.

Connect through Bluetooth settings

The first method to connect your WH-1000XM3 headphones to your device is through your device’s Bluetooth settings. 

The process is no different than connecting to the many other Bluetooth devices you may have come into contact with. 

  • First, you’ll need to make sure the headphones are on and in Bluetooth pairing mode. To do this, find the power button on the left ear cup. Press and hold the power button for ten seconds. The light next to the power button should begin blinking repeatedly to signal the headphones are in Bluetooth pairing mode.
  • On your device, find your Bluetooth settings options. For most devices, you can swipe down from the top to open the quick menu. From there, select the Bluetooth option or hold the Bluetooth icon depending on what device you are using. This should open the list of available Bluetooth devices to connect to or the Bluetooth settings menu. If you get the settings menu, just tap on the “add a new device” option.
  • Find the signal with WH-1000XM3 in the name. Tap on it. Some devices may require a security code to pair to the headphones. By default, the security pairing code is 0000.

Your Sony WH-1000XM3’s should now be paired to your device.

Even though connecting this way is only three steps, there is yet a faster method for Android devices with NFC.

  • From your NFC-enabled device, make sure the NFC feature is enabled.
  • Place the back of your device next to the back of the left ear cup.

The device should automatically connect to your headphones. 

Even though it is only one step less than the traditional method for connecting Bluetooth devices, it removes the hassle of searching through varied settings and Bluetooth options. 

Once the headphones have been paired to the device, you can turn your headphones on by placing the back of the phone to the back of the left ear cup again.

I would find myself using the power button regardless, but the extra use case for the NFC connection is thoughtful on Sony’s part.

Switching Between Devices

Now that you’ve connected your devices to the headphones, you’ve most likely noticed that only the last device or two to pair with the headphones are still connected. 

This is because there is a limit to how many devices can send signals to the Sony WH-1000XM3. 

Typically, only one signal can be maintained actively at a time except for dual device connections for audio and phone call sharing. 

This means that they can only be actively connected to up to two devices at once and can receive signals from only one device at a time. 

To switch your headphone’s Bluetooth connection from one device to another, you can use one of either two methods.

If you’re switching to a device with NFC, you can just tap the back of the left ear cup with the device to connect to it again.

For devices that don’t have an NFC function, you’ll need to open the Bluetooth settings and click the name of the headphones in the paired devices list.

This will cause the headphones to disconnect from the device they were previously connected to.

Then it will connect to the current device. 

Multipoint Connection

In some cases, WH-1000XM3 owners will want to stay paired to two different devices for specific reasons.

A very common situation is for owners with business phones alongside personal devices.

Most companies that offer company devices have strict rules on how the device is being used and maintained. 

This can often mean that applications and software that most employ to pass the time are prohibited from installation.

For that reason, most people with company-issued smartphones will also carry a personal device.

It helps them to maintain a separation of work and play

There is also the case of connecting to a music player separate from a smartphone. 

The rarest occasion for a multipoint connection is keeping two android devices connected to one headset.

In all of these cases, the WH-1000XM3 can maintain a connection with both devices.

However, it will only split use by dividing functions. 

This means that one device can be used for calls and the other device can be used for music streaming without needing to change which device is connected to the headphones.

To connect two devices and set which device handles which function:

  • Connect both devices (business phone and work phone, music player and smartphone, or two Android smartphones)
  • Play a song or start a playlist on the device you want to be the music player so the headphones can take note of it.
  • Make a faux call on the device you want to make and receive calls from.

After that, both of your devices should be connected. 

If you accept a call from the device you chose to make and receive calls, the music player on the other device will pause. 

Once the call is complete, the music will continue just as one device would act. 


If the powerful and efficient noise-canceling ability of Sony’s WH-1000XM3 isn’t already enough to make you love them, the quality of life features like NFC pairing and multiple Bluetooth connection support push the experience to a new level. 

Switching from game nights on the laptop to lo-fi beats to work to on the go has never been easier. 

With one quick tap from my phone to the left ear cup, you’re ready to get mobile.

With a little time, you’ll master your WH-1000XM3’s Bluetooth connections and be switching from device to device as if you’ve always known how to do it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I listen to music from multiple devices at once?

Unfortunately, you can not. Although, I’m not sure why you would want to.

Can I pair my WH-1000XM3 to another pair of Bluetooth headphones to share audio?

Sony’s WH-1000XM3 can’t pair to another Bluetooth headset. However, most devices support connecting to two different headphones for shared audio experiences. 

Do I need to remove the WH-1000XM3 from my device’s Bluetooth connections to pair them to another device?

These headphones do not need to be removed or forgotten on one device to be connected or paired to another unless you have paired them to more than eight devices.

End Of Article 

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