Can You Wash Airpods Max Ear Cups? Keep Them Clean!
Do you need to wash your Airpods Max ear cups? The answer is not as simple as a definitive yes or no. Let’s take a closer look at the best way to care for your headphones so that they last as long as possible.

Table of Contents
- Cleaning AirPod Maxes earcups
- Why You Should Clean Them
- How to dry your AirPods max ear cups
- Taking Care of Your Airpod Maxes
- Connecting Your Airpods Max To Your Phone
- Disconecting Airpod Maxes
Cleaning AirPod Maxes earcups
In order to clean your AirPods Max, you will need to remove the ear cushions. To do this, simply peel back the outer layer of the ear cushion. Once the ear cushion is removed, you can clean the surface with a soft, dry cloth. If there is any buildup on the surface of the ear cushion, you can use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean it.
Once you have finished cleaning the ear cushions, you can reattach them by aligning the pegs on the ear cushions with the holes on the ear cups.
When you are cleaning the headband, it is important to hold your AirPods Max upside down to prevent liquid from flowing into the headband attachment point. You can clean the headband with a soft, dry cloth.
If there is any buildup on the surface of the headband, you can use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean it.
Why You Should Clean Them
It’s important to keep your AirPods Max ear cups clean for a number of reasons.
First, dirt and ear wax can build up on the cups and cause them to become less effective at noise cancellation.
Second, if you share your AirPods Max with others, you’ll want to make sure that the ear cups are clean to prevent the spread of germs.
Finally, earwax and dirt can actually damage the finish on the ear cups over time. To clean your AirPods Max ear cups, simply use a soft, dry cloth to wipe them down.
If you need to remove stubborn dirt or earwax, you can dampen the cloth with water or Apple cider vinegar. Be sure to avoid using any harsh cleaners or scrubbing too vigorously, as this could damage the cups.
With a bit of care, you can keep your AirPods Max looking and sounding great for years to come.
Airpods Max ear cups are made of a special material that is both comfortable and durable
However, this material is also susceptible to damage from water and other liquids. As a result, it is important to take care when cleaning your Airpods Max ear cups. Use only a soft, dry cloth to wipe down the ear cups.
Do not use any harsh cleaners or solvents, as these can damage the material.
If you need to remove any buildup from the ear cups, use mild soap and warm water.
Be sure to rinse the ear cups thoroughly afterward to remove all traces of soap. Once they are clean, allow the ear cups to air dry before using them again. By following these simple tips, you can keep your AirPods Max ear cups looking new.
How to dry your AirPods max ear cups

If you’ve got waterlogged AirPods Max ear cups, don’t worry. Unlike the earbuds, the ear cups on the AirPods Max are designed to be water-resistant.
However, if you’re using them in a sweaty environment or if they get caught in the rain, it’s possible for water to get inside.
Here’s how to dry them out.
First, remove the ear cups from the headband.
Then, use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently dab at any moisture on the outside of the ear cups.
Next, use a dry toothbrush to lightly brush any moisture away from the mesh speaker grille.
Finally, leave the ear cups out to air dry for several hours before reattaching them to the headband. With a little care, your AirPods Max will be good as new.
Taking Care of Your Airpod Maxes
Airpods are an increasingly popular type of headphones that offer a number of features and benefits.
However, like any electronic device, they require proper care and maintenance to function properly. Here are a few tips for taking care of your AirPods:
- Be careful not to drop or damage them. Airpods are very delicate and can easily be damaged if they are dropped or stepped on. If you do drop them, make sure to check the charging case for any damage before continuing to use them.
- Keep them clean. Sweat, dirt, and other debris can build up on AirPods and cause them to malfunction. Be sure to wipe them down with a soft, dry cloth after each use.
- Store them properly. When not in use, AirPods should be stored in their case. This helps to protect them from damage and keeps them clean. Make sure to keep the case itself clean as well by wiping it down with a soft, dry cloth.
By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your AirPods last for many years to come.
Connecting Your Airpods Max To Your Phone
If you have an iPhone 7 or later, your AirPods should automatically connect to your phone as soon as you open the AirPods case next to your phone. If you’re not sure if your AirPods are connected, just check to see if the AirPods icon is next to your iPhone’s battery icon at the top-right of the screen.
If it is, then you’re good to go! If you have an Android phone, unfortunately, you won’t be able to connect your AirPods in quite the same way.
Instead, you’ll need to put your AirPods in their case, then open the lid and hold down the button on the back for about 15 seconds until the LED light on the front of the case starts flashing white.
Once it does, open up the Bluetooth settings on your phone and look for “AirPods” under the “Other Devices” section. Select it and then enter the code that appears on your AirPods case, and they should be good to go!
Disconecting Airpod Maxes
When you want to disconnect your AirPods, there are two ways to do it.
If you have an iPhone with iOS 12 or later, you can simply say, “Hey Siri, Disconnect my AirPods.” If you don’t have an iPhone or if you have an iPhone with an earlier version of iOS, you can go to the Bluetooth settings on your device and press and hold the button next to your AirPods.
You’ll see a popup that says, “Disconnect AirPods.” Press it, and your AirPods will be disconnected.
If you want to connect your AirPods to another device, you can do so by going to the Bluetooth settings on the other device and selecting your AirPods from the list. Once they’re connected, you’ll see a solid white light on each AirPod.
If you want to use just one AirPod at a time, you can do so by touching and holding the button on the back of the AirPod that’s not in use.
You’ll see a white light flash four times, then turn off, indicating that the AirPod is disconnected. When you want to reconnect the AirPod, just put it back in your ear, and it will automatically reconnect.