How Do I Clear My Cache on My iPhone?
Most people associate a cache with their internet browser and understand that cache files take up room.
On an iPhone, not only do websites have cache files but so do many apps and operating processes.
It’s a good idea to clear your cache from time to time, but how do you do it on your iPhone?
How Do I Clear My Cache on My iPhone?
Clearing your cache on your iPhone can be done through your Internet browser settings, usually in a folder labeled “History.” Different browsers cache files separately and have different steps to clear their cache, so it’s important to know how to clear your cache in each browser you use.
Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to clear your cache in some of the most popular browsers.
What Is a Cache
A cache is a series of files that are stored on your device that allow it to do things more quickly.
In some cases, these cache files include cookies or other tracking files to monitor your usage and give you a better experience across your devices and the Internet.
Cache files also help various applications and peripheral devices run more smoothly, such as those associated with Bluetooth devices.
Why Should You Clear Your Caches?
As a general practice for maintaining your device, you’ll want to clear the cache files on your iPhone from time to time.
These files quickly add up on apps like Facebook and other social media platforms, not to mention streaming music or video.
When you clear these files, you free up more room for your phone to work more efficiently, plus giving you more room to store intentional files.
Some cache files become corrupted over time when an app crashes, your system restarts, or your device disconnects unexpectedly.
To make these apps and devices work properly again, you need to clear the cache and allow new files to install.
From your Internet browsing, a cache file may load an older version of the website you’re visiting, diminishing your browsing experience.
Cache files also store your username and password when you ask a site to keep you logged in.
Aside from freeing up space, clearing your cache also helps increase your Internet browsing security.
Clearing Your Safari Cache
Your browser contains cache files for most of the sites you visit, and Safari is the default browser on your phone. Clearing it is simple, and straightforward through the Settings App.
- Go into your settings app.
- Look for Safari, which should be in the same section as Phone and Messages.
- Scroll down to “Clear History and Website Data.”
- Tap it and confirm you want to clear history and data.
Keep in mind that in Safari on iPhone, there is no separation between your history and cache.
This also means that any websites you’ve asked to remember your sign-in will be signed out, and you’ll have to log in again.
Clearing the Chrome Cache
Many iPhone users opt to use Chrome browser in place of Safari to allow for a more strapless browsing experience between their phone and computer.
While you won’t clear your cache in Settings, it is similarly easy to clear from the app.
Further, you’ll have more options on what to clear, rather than it being all or nothing.
- Open your Chrome Browser.
- Tap the three dots in the bottom right-hand corner.
- Tap History.
- Tap Clear Browsing Data on the bottom of your screen.
- Choose what you want to clear, minimum of Cached Images and Files
- Tap “Done.”
Unlike Safari, it will not ask you to confirm, so be sure you’ve selected the options you want.
You can always do another clear to remove more data, but once it’s gone you can’t get it back.

Clearing Firefox Cache
The next most popular browser is Firefox, and also must be cleared from within the browser.
When you clear this in Firefox, you’ll clear all browsing history.
You do have some options for how much of your history you want to clear.
- Open your Firefox browser.
- Tap the pancake menu in the bottom-right corner, three horizontal lines.
- Next, tap History.
- Tap Clear Recent History.
- Choose the timeframe you want to clear.
Clearing DuckDuckGo
Another browser growing in popularity is DuckDuckGo.
This browser’s claim to fame is blocking tracking software, which commonly uses cookies stored in the cache.
Because of that, clearing the cache and browsing history is straightforward.
- When you’re done browsing, tap the flame icon on the bottom.
- Confirm you want to close tabs and clear data.
Even easier, tap the three buttons in the bottom-right corner of the browser.
Tap on Settings, then tap on Automatically Clear Data, and toggle it on.
This will clear all of your data automatically when you restart the browser.
Deleting Cache In Other Apps
Browsers are not the only apps that keep a cache on your phone.
Many social media and streaming apps also keep a cache to make playback more efficient.
Open your settings app, tap on General, then tap on iPhone Storage.
Look for the apps that take up a lot of space.
Open the corresponding app, and look for the app settings.
Look for an option to clear downloaded content or the cache.
If you can’t find an option within the app, such as with Facebook, YouTube, and many streaming services, you’ll need to delete the app to clear the stored data.
You can then download the app again to continue using it.
This may help clear out 100 GB or more from your phone hard drive.
Clearing Old Messages
Your messages cache is stored voice, picture, and video files sent through the messages app.
These messages can take up a tremendous amount of space on your phone, but can easily be removed to free up that space.
You have two options, clear old messages or clear large attachments.
Here’s how to delete large attachments:
- Open Settings app.
- Tap General.
- Tap iPhone Storage.
- Tap Messages.
- Tap Review Large Attachments.
- Tap Edit in the upper right-hand corner.
- Tap the checkmark next to the attachment you want to delete.
- Tap the garbage can in the upper right-hand corner.
To delete old conversations is a similar process.
Once you’re in the Messages area, tap “Top Conversations.” From there, choose the conversations you want to delete and hit the garbage can button.
Clearing Bluetooth Cache
In addition to the cache files from apps and websites, there are also cache files for Bluetooth devices.
These files allow you to easily connect to Bluetooth devices in the future and maintain their settings, such as the set volume.
Sometimes the cache files get corrupted, making it impossible to continue to connect to or continue to use the device.
To correct this, you have to clear the cache files and create new ones.
The only way to clear these files is to remove the device from your phone, which you can do by:
- Open the Settings app.
- Tap Bluetooth.
- Tap the “i” icon for the device you want to clear.
- Tap Forget This Device.
Closing Thoughts
Cache files are incredibly important to making your phone usage more efficient and seamless.
However, these files can quickly pose a security risk and take over your device’s storage.
Plan to clear your cache as part of maintaining your phone and keeping it working optimally throughout its service life.