4 Main Reasons Your FaceTime Calls Are Failing
Anyone who has ever been mid-chat on FaceTime and had it fail knows how annoying this can be. But there are several easy ways to troubleshoot and fix it. We’ve all had that time when we have been sharing some big news with a loved one in another place or been in the middle of an important work conversation and all of a sudden, our FaceTime screen freezes or, worse, goes completely blank. We start frantically re-dialing the person on the other end, but it’s no use. We can’t seem to get the callback. But, if you take a deep breath and try one of my methods below, most of the time, your FaceTime connection can be restored.

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Why do my FaceTime calls keep failing?
Your FaceTime keeps failing for one of the following reasons:
- One of you doesn’t have an Apple device
- You are trying to FaceTime to a country that doesn’t allow it
- One of you has a weak connection
- One of your devices may need a reboot
Being able to connect with others has become increasingly important during the pandemic and even still now when so many of us either work from home or are still not traveling like we used to.
Having a reliable way of communication is vital, and FaceTime is terrific for that.
But when it stops working, it can throw even the calmest person into a tailspin. But rest easy because I’ve got some great ways to walk you through where your FaceTime problem may lie and what you can do to get it back up and running.
FaceTime has been a wonderful tool for my family and me throughout recent years. We’ve come to rely heavily on it to connect with family and friends all over the world, as well as use it to communicate with one another when a simple phone call or text message just won’t do.
In June of 2010, FaceTime was first introduced to the world by Steve Jobs, the then CEO of Apple. Since then, people all over the world have come to rely on it as a means to conduct business, gather and give information and make and keep connections with family and friends.
FaceTime works by making a connection between two supported devices. Most Apple products can support a FaceTime call or video chat and the technology has only become more available and easy to use throughout the last decade and a half.
You can not make or receive a FaceTime call or video from a device that is not an Apple product.
Though other tech companies have tried to mimic FaceTime and come out with versions that are similar and run on their devices, no technology has been as widely used as FaceTime for allowing people to connect with others and share conversations the way FaceTime allows.
But, like with anything technological, there have been and will continue to be glitches. One of the most frustrating glitches with FaceTime is when it fails.
These failures could be anything from not being able to connect a call, not being able to receive a call, or dropping a call while in progress.
The good news is that most problematic calls and video experiences can be explained. And, many of them can be fixed. Let’s dive in and figure out why your FaceTime calls are failing and what – if anything – you can do about it.

1. One of You Doesn’t Have an Apple Device
This one I already touched on a bit, and is probably the easiest place to start.
FaceTime only works on devices that are legitimate Apple products. So, you can FaceTime with someone as long as you both have iPhones, MacBooks, iPads and can even audio FaceTime on an Apple Watch.
If you are trying to FaceTime someone who has an android phone or a Windows-based computer or laptop, no amount of troubleshooting is going to fix your issue. It just simply won’t work.
That said, you can FaceTime with someone who has a MacBook but not an iPhone.
Perhaps the person you’re messaging uses a MacBook but they don’t use an iPhone. Or, maybe their iPhone is charging and you want to FaceTime now.
As long as both users have devices that are Apple products, this should not be the reason your FaceTime is failing. If so, let’s explore another potential reason for your issue.
2. You Are Trying to FaceTime to a Country that Doesn’t Allow It
Another very basic reason why your FaceTime call or video chat may be failing, is that you are trying to connect with a person who lives in a country where FaceTime isn’t allowed.
In certain countries, particularly some in the Middle East, FaceTime is not allowed and won’t work on your iPhone or any other Apple product, regardless of where you purchased them.
So, for example, if you are trying to connect with someone via FaceTime who lives in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, or the United Arab Emirates – even if they have a certified Apple device – they won’t be able to receive your FaceTime call.
If you are unclear if the country you are calling allows FaceTime calls, you may want to check one of the country’s official websites to be certain, or check with the phone carriers in those areas. In the meantime, if you are trying to FaceTime to a country in question and your call or video chat keeps failing, this may be the reason why.
3. One of You Has a Weak Connection
Another possible reason why your FaceTime is failing…if you or the person you are attempting to call are experiencing a slow internet connection (or have none at all) FaceTime is going to be difficult to use.
As you probably know by now, in order for FaceTime to work, you must have the internet. Even if the connection is slow, or a bit unstable, you can still make a FaceTime call. But, not only will it be more challenging, there is a good chance the call will drop, fail or give you a weird signal if the internet connection is not strong.
Obviously, a clear fix for this problem is to move to a room or area where the internet is working well and the signal is good. Unless it’s clear whose internet is to blame for the issue, both you and the other party may have to experiment with moving to different spots to see if you can find a better connection.
4. One of Your Devices May Need a Reboot
Finally, here is the easiest way to stop your FaceTime calls from failing that may be something you can actually control.
Oftentimes, our devices get overwhelmed with too many apps, open tabs, and not enough updates installed. If you think your device may be the reason why your FaceTime is failing (and not some outside reason) you can try this quick fix and see if it rectifies itself.
To see if your device just needs a reboot to work properly, go ahead and turn it off. Then, after a few minutes, power your device back on.
If a reboot was the reason for your FaceTime not working, you should now be able to call someone with no issues disrupting your call.